This is Info file, produced by Makeinfo version 1.67 from the input file ./wget.texi. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the sections entitled "Copying" and "GNU General Public License" are included exactly as in the original, and provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. File:, Node: Top, Next: Overview, Prev: (dir), Up: (dir) Wget/1.4.3 ********** This manual documents version 1.4.3 of GNU Wget, the freely available utility for network download. Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * Menu: * Overview:: Features of Wget. * Invoking:: Wget command-line arguments. * Recursive Retrieval:: Description of recursive retrieval. * Following Links:: The available methods of chasing links. * Time-Stamping:: Mirroring according to time-stamps. * Startup File:: Wget's initialization file. * Examples:: Examples of usage. * Various:: The stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. * Appendices:: Some useful references. * Copying:: You may give out copies of Wget. * Concept Index:: Topics found in this manual. File:, Node: Overview, Next: Invoking, Prev: Top, Up: Top Overview ******** GNU Wget is a freely available network utility to retrieve files from the World Wide Web, using HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) and FTP (File Transfer Protocol), the two most widely used Internet protocols. It has many useful features to make downloading easier, some of them being: * Wget is non-interactive, which means it can work in the background, while the user is not logged on, so that you may start the program and log off, letting it do its work. By contrast, most of the Web browsers require constant user's presence, which can be a great hindrance when transferring a lot of data. * Wget is capable of descending recursively through the structure of HTML documents and FTP directory trees, making a local copy of the directory hierarchy similar to the one on the remote server. This feature can be used to mirror archives and home pages, or traverse the web in search of data, like a WWW robot (*Note Robots::). In that spirit, Wget understands the `norobots' convention. * File name wildcard matching and recursive mirroring of directories are available when retrieving via FTP. Wget can read the time-stamp information given by both HTTP and FTP servers, and store it locally. Thus Wget can see if the remote file has changed since last retrieval, and automatically retrieve the new version if it has. This makes Wget suitable for mirroring of FTP sites, as well as home pages. * Wget works exceedingly well on slow or unstable connections, keeping getting the document until it is fully retrieved, or until a user-specified retry count is surpassed. It will try to resume the download from the point of interruption, using `REST' with FTP and `Range' with HTTP servers that support them. * By default, Wget supports PROXY servers, which can lighten the network load, speed up retrieval and provide access behind firewalls. However, if you are behind a firewall that requires that you use a socks style gateway, you can get the socks library and build wget with support for socks. Wget also supports the passive FTP downloading as an option. * Builtin features offer mechanisms to tune which links you wish to follow (*Note Following Links::). * The retrieval is conveniently traced with printing dots, each dot representing a fixed amount of data received (1KB by default). These representations can be customized to your preferences. * Most of the features are fully configurable, either through command line options, or via the initialization file `.wgetrc' (*Note Startup File::). Wget allows you to define "global" startup files (`/usr/local/etc/wgetrc' by default) for site settings. * Finally, GNU Wget is free software. This means that everyone may use it, redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation (*Note Copying::). File:, Node: Invoking, Next: Recursive Retrieval, Prev: Overview, Up: Top Invoking ******** By default, Wget is very simple to invoke. The basic syntax is: wget [options] URL1 [URL2 ...] Wget will simply download all the URLs specified on the command line. URL is a "Uniform Resource Locator", as defined below. Be aware that `ksh' and its descendants (like `zsh') kill off the background processes during logout. To prevent this, use `nohup', as documented in system manuals. However, you may wish to change some of the default parameters of Wget. You can do it two ways: permanently, adding the appropriate command to `.wgetrc' (*Note Startup File::), or specifying it on the command line. * Menu: * URL Format:: What is considered a URL. * Option Syntax:: Syntax of options. * Basic Options:: Basic command line arguments. * Advanced Options:: Advanced command line arguments. File:, Node: URL Format, Next: Option Syntax, Prev: Invoking, Up: Invoking URL Format ========== "URL" is an acronym for Uniform Resource Locator. Wget recognizes the URL syntax as per RFC1738. This is the most widely used form (square brackets denote optional parts): http://host[:port]/path ftp://host[:port]/path You can also encode your username and password within a URL: ftp://user:password@host/path http://user:password@host/path Either USER or PASSWORD, or both may be left out. If you leave out either the HTTP username or password, no authentication will be sent. If you leave out the FTP username, `anonymous' will be used. If you leave out the FTP password, your email address will be supplied as a default password.(1) You can encode unsafe characters in a URL as `%xy', `xy' being the hexadecimal representation of the character's ASCII value. Some common unsafe characters include `%' (quoted as `%25'), `:' (quoted as `%3A'), and `@' (quoted as `%40'). Refer to RFC1738 for a comprehensive list of unsafe characters. Two alternative variants of URL specification are also supported, because of historical (hysterical?) reasons and their wide-spreadedness. FTP-only syntax (supported by `NcFTP'): host:/dir/file HTTP-only syntax (introduced by `Netscape'): host[:port]/dir/file These two alternative forms are deprecated, and may cease being supported in the future. If you do not understand the difference between these notations, or do not know which one to use, just use the plain ordinary format you use with your favorite browser, like `Lynx' or `Netscape'. ---------- Footnotes ---------- (1) If you have a `.netrc' file in your home directory, password will also be searched for there. File:, Node: Option Syntax, Next: Basic Options, Prev: URL Format, Up: Invoking Option Syntax ============= Since Wget uses GNU getopts to process its arguments, every option has a short form and a long form. Long options are more convenient to remember, but take time to type. You may freely mix different option styles, or specify options after the command-line arguments. Thus you may write: wget -r --tries=10 -o log The space between the option accepting an argument and the argument may be omitted. Instead `-o log' you can write `-olog'. You may put several options that do not require arguments together, like: wget -drc URL This is a complete equivalent of: wget -d -r -c URL Since the options can be specified after the arguments, you may terminate them with `--'. So the following will try to download URL `-x', reporting failure to `log': wget -o log -- -x The options that accept comma-separated lists all use the convention that, when presented an empty list, it means to clear it. This can be useful to clear the `.wgetrc' settings. So, if your .wgetrc sets the exclude_directories to `/cgi-bin', the following example will first reset it, and then set it to exclude `/~nobody' and `/~somebody'. You can also clear the lists in `.wgetrc' (*Note Wgetrc Syntax::). wget -X '' -X /~nobody,/~somebody File:, Node: Basic Options, Next: Advanced Options, Prev: Option Syntax, Up: Invoking Basic Options ============= The command line arguments, sorted alphabetically. `-a LOGFILE' `--append-output=LOGFILE' Append to LOGFILE--the same as `-o', but appending to the LOGFILE (or creating a new one if the old does not exist) instead of overwriting the old log file. `--debug' Turn on debug output, meaning various information important to the developers of Wget if it does not work properly. Your system administrator may have chosen to compile Wget without debug support. In that case `-d' will not work. Please note that even if the program is compiled with debug support, it will *not* print any debug info unless `-d' is turned on explicitly. *Note Reporting Bugs:: for more information on how to send a bug report. `--help' Print a help screen. You will also get help if you do not supply command-line arguments. `-i FILE' `--input-file=FILE' Read URLs from FILE, in which case no URLs need to be on the command line. If there are URLs both on the command line and in an input file, those on the command lines will be the first ones to be retrieved. The FILE need not be an HTML document (but no harm if it is)--it is enough if the URLs are just listed sequentially. However, if you specify `--force-html', the document will be regarded as `html'. In that case you may have problems with relative links, which you can solve either by adding `' to the documents or by specifying `--base=URL' on the command line. `-l DEPTH' `--level=DEPTH' Specify recursion maximum depth level DEPTH (*Note Recursive Retrieval::). The default maximum depth is 5. `-nc' `--no-clobber' Do not clobber existing files when saving to directory hierarchy within recursive retrieval of several files. This option is *extremely* useful when you wish to continue where you left off with retrieval of many files. If the files have the `.html' or (yuck) `.htm' suffix, they will be loaded from the local disk, and parsed as if they have been retrieved from the Web. `-o LOGFILE' `--output-file=LOGFILE' Log all messages to LOGFILE, instead of standard output, which is the default. If you do not wish the log output to be verbose, use `-nv' (non-verbose). `--quiet' This option is the opposite of verbose, making Wget completely quiet. `--recursive' Turn on recursive retrieving (*Note Recursive Retrieval::). `-t NUM' `--tries=NUM' Set number of retries to NUM. Specify 0 or `inf' for infinite retrying. `--version' Display the version of Wget. `--verbose' Turn on verbose output, with all the available data. The default output is verbose. File:, Node: Advanced Options, Prev: Basic Options, Up: Invoking Advanced Options ================ The following table contains the alphabetically sorted list of the "advanced" command line arguments, for people familiar with basic operating of Wget, wishing to change its default behavior. Not for the faint of heart. `-A ACCLIST --accept ACCLIST' `-R REJLIST --reject REJLIST' Specify comma-separated lists of file name suffices or patterns to accept or reject (*Note Types of Files:: for more details). `--continue' Continue retrieval of FTP documents, from where it was left off by another program or a previous instance of Wget. Thus you can write: wget -c If there is a file name `ls-lR.Z' in the current directory, Wget will assume that it is the first portion of the remote file, and will require the server to continue the retrieval from an offset equal to the length of the local file. Note that you need not specify this option if all you want is Wget to continue retrieving where it left off when the connection is lost--Wget does this by default. You need this option only when you want to continue retrieval of a file already halfway retrieved, saved by another FTP client, or left by Wget being killed. Without `-c', the previous example would just begin to download the remote file to `ls-lR.Z.1'. The `-c' option is also applicable for HTTP servers that support the `Range' header. `-D DOMAIN-LIST' `--domains=DOMAIN-LIST' Set domains to be accepted and DNS looked-up, where DOMAIN-LIST is a comma-separated list. Note that it does *not* turn on `-H'. This option speeds things up, even if only one host is spanned (*Note Domain Acceptance::). `--delete-after' This option tells Wget to delete every single file it downloads, *after* having done so. It is useful for pre-fetching popular pages through PROXY, e.g.: wget -r -nd --delete-after The `-r' option is to retrieve recursively, and `-nd' not to create directories. `--dot-style=STYLE' Set the retrieval style to STYLE. Wget traces the retrieval of each document by printing dots on the screen, each dot representing a fixed amount of retrieved data. Any number of dots may be separated in a "cluster", to make counting easier. This option allows you to choose one of the pre-defined styles, determining the number of bytes represented by a dot, the number of dots in a cluster, and the number of dots on the line. With the `default' style each dot represents 1K, there are ten dots in a cluster and 50 dots in a line. The `binary' style has a more "computer"-like orientation--8K dots, 16-dots clusters and 64 dots per line (which makes for 512K lines). The `mega' style is suitable for downloading very large files--each dot represents 64K retrieved, there are eight dots in a cluster, and 48 dots on each line (so each line contains 3M). The `micro' style is exactly the reverse; it is suitable for downloading small files, with 128-byte dots, 8 dots per cluster, and 48 dots (6K) per line. `-e COMMAND' `--execute COMMAND' Execute COMMAND as if it were a part of `.wgetrc' (*Note Startup File::). A command thus invoked will be executed *after* the commands in `.wgetrc', thus taking precedence over them. `--exclude-domains DOMAIN-LIST' Exclude the domains given in a comma-separated DOMAIN-LIST from DNS-lookup (*Note Domain Acceptance::). `--force-html' When input is read from a file, force it to be treated as an HTML file. This enables you to retrieve relative links from existing HTML files on your local disk, by adding `' to HTML, or using the `--base' command-line option. `-g on/off' `--glob=on/off' Turn FTP globbing on or off. Globbing means you may use the shell-like special characters ("wildcards"), like `*', `?', `[' and `]' to retrieve more than one file from the same directory at once, like: wget*.msg By default, globbing will be turned on if the URL contains a globbing character. This option may be used to turn globbing on or off permanently. You may have to quote the URL to protect it from being expanded by your shell. Globbing makes Wget look for a directory listing, which is system-specific. This is why it currently works only with Unix FTP servers (and the ones emulating Unix `ls' output). `--ignore-length' Unfortunately, some HTTP servers (CGI programs, to be more precise) send out bogus `Content-Length' headers, which makes Wget go wild, as it thinks not all the document was retrieved. You can spot this syndrome if Wget retries getting the same document again and again, each time claiming that the (otherwise normal) connection has closed on the very same byte. With this option, Wget will ignore the `Content-Length' header--as if it never existed. `--retr-symlinks' Retrieve symbolic links on FTP sites as if they were plain files, i.e. don't just create links locally. `--span-hosts' Enable spanning across hosts when doing recursive retrieving (*Note All Hosts::). `--header=ADDITIONAL-HEADER' Define an ADDITIONAL-HEADER to be passed to the HTTP servers. Headers must contain a `:' preceded by one or more non-blank characters, and must not contain newlines. You may define more than one additional header by specifying `--header' more than once. wget --header='Accept-Charset: iso-8859-2' \ --header='Accept-Language: hr' \ Specification of an empty string as the header value will clear all previous user-defined headers. `--http-user=USER' `--http-passwd=PASSWORD' Specify the username USER and password PASSWORD on an HTTP server. Wget will encode them using the `basic' (insecure) WWW authentication scheme. You can also encode the username and password to the URL (*Note URL Format::). For more data about security issues with Wget, *Note Security Considerations::. `-I LIST' `--include-directories=LIST' Specify a comma-separated list of directories you wish to follow when downloading (*Note Directory-Based Limits:: for more details) `--convert-links' Convert the non-relative links to relative ones locally. Only the references to the documents actually downloaded will be converted; the rest will be left unchanged. `--relative' Follow relative links only. Useful for retrieving a specific home page without any distractions, not even those from the same hosts (*Note Relative Links::). `--mirror' Turn on options suitable for mirroring. This option turns on recursion and time-stamping, sets infinite recursion depth and keeps FTP directory listings. It is currently equivalent to `-r -N -l0 -nr'. `--timestamping' Turn on time-stamping (*Note Time-Stamping:: for details). `-nd' Do not create a hierarchy of directories when retrieving recursively. With this option turned on, all files will get saved to the current directory, without clobbering (if a name shows up more than once, the filenames will get extensions `.n'). `-nH' Disable generation of host-prefixed directories. By default, invoking Wget with `-r' will create a structure of directories beginning with `'. This option disables such behavior. `-nh' Disable the time-consuming DNS lookup of almost all hosts (*Note Host Checking::). `-np' `--no-parent' Do not ever ascend to the parent directory when retrieving recursively. This is a useful option, since it guarantees that only the files *below* a certain hierarchy will be downloaded. *Note Directory-Based Limits:: for more details. `-nr' Do not remove the `.listing' files generated by FTP. This is useful when running a mirror to see the remote file list. It can also be used for debugging purposes. `-nv' Non-verbose output--turn off verbose without being completely quiet (use `-q' for that), which means that error messages and basic information still get printed. `-O FILE' `--output-document=FILE' The documents will not be written to the appropriate files, but all will be appended to a unique file specified by this option. The number of tries will be set to 1 automatically. If the FILE is `-', the documents will be written to standard output, and `--quiet' will be turned on. This option is useful for making Wget a part of pipelines (*Note Advanced Usage::). Be careful, however, since setting `--quiet' turns off all the useful diagnostics Wget can otherwise give. This option is usually a bad choice, as it disables a great number of Wget features, e.g. recursive retrieval. `--passive-ftp' Use the "passive" FTP retrieval scheme, in which the client initiates the data connection. This is sometimes required for FTP to work behind firewalls. `-P PREFIX' `--directory-prefix=PREFIX' Set directory prefix to PREFIX. The "directory prefix" is the directory where all other files and subdirectories will be saved to, i.e. the top of the retrieval tree. The default is `.' (the current directory). `-Q QUOTA' `--quota=QUOTA' Specify download quota for automatic retrievals. The value can be specified in bytes (default), kilobytes (with `k' suffix), or megabytes (with `m' suffix). Note that quota will never affect downloading a single file. So if you specify `wget -Q10k', all of the `ls-lR.gz' will be downloaded. The same goes even when several URLs are specified on the command-line. However, quota is respected when retrieving either recursively, or from an input file. Thus you may safely type `wget -Q2m -i sites'--download will be aborted when the quota is exceeded. Setting quota to 0 or to `inf' unlimits the download quota. `--server-response' Print the headers sent by HTTP servers and responses sent by FTP servers. `--save-headers' Save the headers sent by the HTTP server to the file, preceding the actual contents, with an empty line as the separator. `--spider' When invoked with this option, Wget will behave as a Web "spider", which means that it will not download the pages, just check that they are there. You can use it to check your bookmarks, e.g. with: wget --spider --force-html -i bookmarks.html This feature needs much more work for Wget to get close to the functionality of real WWW spiders. `-T seconds' `--timeout=SECONDS' Set the read timeout to SECONDS seconds. Whenever a network read is issued, the file descriptor is checked for a timeout, which could otherwise leave a pending connection (uninterrupted read). The default timeout is 900 seconds (fifteen minutes). Setting timeout to 0 will disable checking for timeouts. Please do not lower the default timeout value with this option unless you know what you are doing. `-w SECONDS' `--wait=SECONDS' Wait the specified number of seconds between the retrievals. Use of this option is recommended, as it lightens the server load by making the requests less frequent. `-X LIST' `--exclude-directories=LIST' Specify a comma-separated list of directories you wish to exclude from download (*Note Directory-Based Limits:: for more details). The opposite of `-nd'--create a hierarchy of directories, even if one would not have been created otherwise. E.g. `wget -x' will save the downloaded file to `'. `-Y on/off' `--proxy=on/off' Turn PROXY support on or off. The proxy is on by default if the appropriate environmental variable is defined. File:, Node: Recursive Retrieval, Next: Following Links, Prev: Invoking, Up: Top Recursive Retrieval ******************* GNU Wget is capable of traversing parts of the Web (or a single HTTP or FTP server), depth-first following links and directory structure. This is called "recursive" retrieving, or "recursion". With HTTP URLs, Wget retrieves and parses the HTML from the given URL, documents, retrieving the files the HTML document was referring to, through markups like `href', or `src'. If the freshly downloaded file is also of type `text/html', it will be parsed and followed further. The maximum "depth" to which the retrieval may descend is specified with the `-l' option (the default maximum depth is five layers). *Note Basic Options::. When retrieving an FTP URL recursively, Wget will retrieve all the data from the given directory tree (including the subdirectories up to the specified depth) on the remote server, creating its mirror image locally. FTP retrieval is also limited by the `dept' parameter. By default, Wget will create a local directory tree, corresponding to the one found on the remote server. Recursive retrieving can find a number of applications, the most important of which is mirroring. It is also useful for WWW presentations, and any other opportunities where slow network connections should be bypassed by storing the files locally. You should be warned that invoking recursion may cause grave overloading on your system, because of the fast exchange of data through the network; all of this may hamper other users' work. The same stands for the foreign server you are mirroring--the more requests it gets in a rows, the greater is its load. Careless retrieving can also fill your file system unctrollably, which can grind the machine to a halt. The load can be minimized by lowering the maximum recursion level (`-l') and/or by lowering the number of retries (`-t'). You may also consider using the `-w' option to slow down your requests to the remote servers, as well as the numerous options to narrow the number of followed links (*Note Following Links::). Recursive retrieval is a good thing when used properly. Please take all precautions not to wreak havoc through carelessness. File:, Node: Following Links, Next: Time-Stamping, Prev: Recursive Retrieval, Up: Top Following Links *************** When retrieving recursively, one does not wish to retrieve the loads of unnecessary data. Most of the time the users bear in mind exactly what they want to download, and want Wget to follow only specific links. For example, if you wish to download the music archive from `', you will not want to download all the home pages that happen to be referenced by an obscure part of the archive. Wget possesses several mechanisms that allows you to fine-tune which links it will follow. * Menu: * Relative Links:: Follow relative links only. * Host Checking:: Follow links on the same host. * Domain Acceptance:: Check on a list of domains. * All Hosts:: No host restrictions. * Types of Files:: Getting only certain files. * Directory-Based Limits:: Getting only certain directories. * FTP Links:: Following FTP links. File:, Node: Relative Links, Next: Host Checking, Prev: Following Links, Up: Following Links Relative Links ============== When only relative links are followed (option `-L'), recursive retrieving will never span hosts. No time-expensive DNS-lookups will be performed, and the process will be very fast, with the minimum strain of the network. This will suit your needs often, especially when mirroring the output of various `x2html' converters, since they generally output relative links. File:, Node: Host Checking, Next: Domain Acceptance, Prev: Relative Links, Up: Following Links Host Checking ============= The drawback of following the relative links solely is that humans often tend to mix them with absolute links to the very same host, and the very same page. In this mode (which is the default mode for following links) all URLs the that refer to the same host will be retrieved. The problem with this option are the aliases of the hosts and domains. Thus there is no way for Wget to know that `' and `' are the same host, or that `' is the same as `'. Whenever an absolute link is encountered, the host is DNS-looked-up with `gethostbyname' to check whether we are maybe dealing with the same hosts. Although the results of `gethostbyname' are cached, it is still a great slowdown, e.g. when dealing with large indices of home pages on different hosts (because each of the hosts must be and DNS-resolved to see whether it just *might* an alias of the starting host). To avoid the overhead you may use `-nh', which will turn off DNS-resolving and make Wget compare hosts literally. This will make things run much faster, but also much less reliable (e.g. `' and `' will be flagged as different hosts). Note that HTTP/1.1 allows one IP address to support several virtual servers, each of them with its own root; this feature is also used by many HTTP/1.0 servers. Such "servers" are then distinguished by their hostnames (all of which point to the same IP address); for this to work, a client must send a `Host' header, which is what Wget does. However, in that case Wget *must not* try to divine a host's "real" address, nor try to use the same hostname for each access, i.e. `-nh' must be turned on. In other words, the `-nh' option must be used to enabling the retrieval from virtual servers distinguished by their hostnames. As the number of such server setups grow, the behavior of `-nh' may become the default in the future. File:, Node: Domain Acceptance, Next: All Hosts, Prev: Host Checking, Up: Following Links Domain Acceptance ================= With the `-D' option you may specify the domains that will be followed. The hosts the domain of which is not in this list will not be DNS-resolved. Thus you can specify `' just to make sure that *nothing outside of MIT gets looked up*. This is very important and useful. It also means that `-D' does *not* imply `-H' (span all hosts), which must be specified explicitly. Feel free to use this options since it will speed things up, with almost all the reliability of checking for all hosts. Thus you could invoke wget -r to make sure that only the hosts in `.hr' domain get DNS-looked-up for being equal to `'. So `' will be checked (only once!) and found equal, but `' will not even be checked. Of course, domain acceptance can be used to limit the retrieval to particular domains with spanning of hosts in them, but then you must specify `-H' explicitly. E.g.: wget -r -H, will start with `', following links across MIT and Stanford. If there are domains you want to exclude specifically, you can do it with `--exclude-domains', which accepts the same type of arguments of `-D', but will *exclude* all the listed domains. For example, if you want to download all the hosts from `' domain, with the exception of `', you can do it like this: wget -rH --exclude-domains File:, Node: All Hosts, Next: Types of Files, Prev: Domain Acceptance, Up: Following Links All Hosts ========= When `-H' is specified without `-D', all hosts are freely spanned. There are no restrictions whatsoever as to what part of the net Wget will go to fetch documents, other than maximum retrieval depth. If a page references `', so be it. Such an option is rarely useful for itself. File:, Node: Types of Files, Next: Directory-Based Limits, Prev: All Hosts, Up: Following Links Types of Files ============== When downloading material from the web, you will often want to restrict the retrieval to only certain file types. For example, if you are interested in downloading GIFS, you will not be overjoyed to get loads of Postscript documents, and vice versa. Wget offers two options to deal with this problem. Each option description lists a short name, a long name, and the equivalent command in `.wgetrc'. `-A ACCLIST' `--accept ACCLIST' `accept = ACCLIST' The argument to `--accept' option is a list of file suffixes or patterns that Wget will download during recursive retrieval. A suffix is the ending part of a file, and consists of "normal" letters, e.g. `gif' or `.jpg'. A matching pattern contains shell-like wildcards, e.g. `books*' or `zelazny*196[0-9]*'. So, specifying `wget -A gif,jpg' will make Wget download only the files ending with `gif' or `jpg', i.e. GIFs and JPEGs. On the other hand, `wget -A "zelazny*196[0-9]*"' will download only files beginning with `zelazny' and containing numbers from 1960 to 1969 anywhere within. Look up the manual of your shell for a description of how pattern matching works. Of course, any number of suffixes and patterns can be combined into a comma-separated list, and given as an argument to `-A'. `-R REJLIST' `--reject REJLIST' `reject = REJLIST' The `--reject' option works the same way as `--accept', only its logic is the reverse; Wget will download all files *except* the ones matching the suffixes (or patterns) in the list. So, if you want to download a whole page except for the cumbersome MPEGs and .AU files, you can use `wget -R mpg,mpeg,au'. Analogously, to download all files except the ones beginning with `bjork', use `wget -R "bjork*"'. The quotes are to prevent expansion by the shell. The `-A' and `-R' options may be combined to achieve even better fine-tuning of which files to retrieve. E.g. `wget -A "*zelazny*" -R .ps' will download all the files having `zelazny' as a part of their name, but *not* the postscript files. Note that these two options do not affect the downloading of HTML files; Wget must load all the HTMLs to know where to go at all--recursive retrieval would make no sense otherwise. File:, Node: Directory-Based Limits, Next: FTP Links, Prev: Types of Files, Up: Following Links Directory-Based Limits ====================== Regardless of other link-following facilities, it is often useful to place the restriction of what files to retrieve based on the directories those files are placed in. There can be many reasons for this--the home pages may be organized in a reasonable directory structure; or some directories may contain useless information, e.g. `/cgi-bin' or `/dev' directories. Wget offers three different options to deal with this requirement. Each option description lists a short name, a long name, and the equivalent command in `.wgetrc'. `-I LIST' `--include LIST' `include_directories = LIST' `-I' option accepts a comma-separated list of directories included in the retrieval. Any other directories will simply be ignored. The directories are absolute paths. So, if you wish to download from `http://host/people/bozo/' following only links to bozo's colleagues in the `/people' directory and the bogus scripts in `/cgi-bin', you can specify: wget -I /people,/cgi-bin http://host/people/bozo/ `-X LIST' `--exclude LIST' `exclude_directories = LIST' `-X' option is exactly the reverse of `-I'--this is a list of directories *excluded* from the download. E.g. if you do not want Wget to download things from `/cgi-bin' directory, specify `-X /cgi-bin' on the command line. The same as with `-A'/`-R', these two options can be combined to get a better fine-tuning of downloading subdirectories. E.g. if you want to load all the files from `/pub' hierarchy except for `/pub/worthless', specify `-I/pub -X/pub/worthless'. `-np' `--no-parent' `no_parent = on' The simplest, and often very useful way of limiting directories is disallowing retrieval of the links that refer to the hierarchy "upper" than the beginning directory, i.e. disallowing ascent to the parent directory/directories. The `--no-parent' option (short `-np') is useful in this case. Using it guarantees that you will never leave the existing hierarchy. Supposing you issue Wget with: wget -r --no-parent http://somehost/~luzer/my-archive/ You may rest assured that none of the references to `/~his-girls-homepage/' or `/~luzer/all-my-mpegs/' will be followed. Only the archive you are interested in will be downloaded. Essentially, `--no-parent' is similar to `-I/~luzer/my-archive', only it handles redirections in a more intelligent fashion. File:, Node: FTP Links, Prev: Directory-Based Limits, Up: Following Links Following FTP Links =================== The rules for FTP are somewhat specific, as it is necessary for them to be. FTP links in HTML documents are often included for purposes of reference, and it is often inconvenient to download them by default. To have FTP links followed from HTML documents, you need to specify the `-f' (`--follow-ftp') option. Having done that, FTP links will span hosts regardless of `-H' setting. This is logical, as FTP links rarely point to the same host where the HTTP server resides. For similar reasons, the `-L' options has no effect on such downloads. On the other hand, domain acceptance (`-D') and suffix rules (`-A' and `-R') apply normally. Also note that followed links to FTP directories will not be retrieved recursively further. File:, Node: Time-Stamping, Next: Startup File, Prev: Following Links, Up: Top Time-Stamping ************* One of the most important aspects of mirroring information from the Internet is updating your archives. Downloading the whole archive again and again, just to replace a few changed files is expensive, both in terms of wasted bandwidth and money, and the time to do the update. This is why all the mirroring tools offer the option of incremental updating. Such an updating mechanism means that the remote server is scanned in search of "new" files. Only those new files will be downloaded in the place of the old ones. A file is considered new if one of these two conditions are met: 1. A file of that name does not already exist locally. 2. A file of that name does exist, but the remote file was modified more recently than the local file. To implement this, the program needs to be aware of the time of last modification of both remote and local files. Such information are called the "time-stamps". The time-stamping in GNU Wget is turned on using `--timestamping' (`-N') option, or through `timestamping = on' directive in `.wgetrc'. With this option, for each file it intends to download, Wget will check whether a local file of the same name exists. If it does, and the remote file is older, Wget will not download it. If the local file does not exist, or the sizes of the files do not match, Wget will download the remote file no matter what the time-stamps * Menu: * Time-Stamping Usage:: * HTTP Time-Stamping Internals:: * FTP Time-Stamping Internals:: File:, Node: Time-Stamping Usage, Next: HTTP Time-Stamping Internals, Prev: Time-Stamping, Up: Time-Stamping Time-Stamping Usage =================== The usage of time-stamping is simple. Say you would like to download a file so that it keeps its date of modification. wget -S A simple `ls -l' shows that the time stamp on the local file equals the state of the `Last-Modified' header, as returned by the server. As you can see, the time-stamping info is preserved locally, even without `-N'. Several days later, you would like Wget to check if the remote file has changed, and download it if it has. wget -N Wget will ask the server for the last-modified date. If the local file is newer, the remote file will not be re-fetched. However, if the remote file is more recent, Wget will proceed fetching it normally. The same goes for FTP. For example: wget* `ls' will show that the timestamps are set according to the state on the remote server. Reissuing the command with `-N' will make Wget re-fetch *only* the files that have been modified. In both HTTP and FTP retrieval Wget will time-stamp the local file correctly (with or without `-N') if it gets the stamps, i.e. gets the directory listing for FTP or the `Last-Modified' header for HTTP. If you wished to mirror the GNU archive every week, you would use the following command every week: wget --timestamping -r File:, Node: HTTP Time-Stamping Internals, Next: FTP Time-Stamping Internals, Prev: Time-Stamping Usage, Up: Time-Stamping HTTP Time-Stamping Internals ============================ Time-stamping in HTTP is implemented by checking of the `Last-Modified' header. If you wish to retrieve the file `foo.html' through HTTP, Wget will check whether `foo.html' exists locally. If it doesn't, `foo.html' will be retrieved unconditionally. If the file does exist locally, Wget will first check its local time-stamp (similar to the way `ls -l' checks it), and then send a `HEAD' request to the remote server, demanding the information on the remote file. The `Last-Modified' header is examined to find which file was modified more recently (which makes it "newer"). If the remote file is newer, it will be downloaded; if it is older, Wget will give up.(1) Arguably, HTTP time-stamping should be implemented using the `If-Modified-Since' request. ---------- Footnotes ---------- (1) As an additional check, Wget will look at the `Content-Length' header, and compare the sizes; if they are not the same, the remote file will be downloaded no matter what the time-stamp says. File:, Node: FTP Time-Stamping Internals, Prev: HTTP Time-Stamping Internals, Up: Time-Stamping FTP Time-Stamping Internals =========================== In theory, FTP time-stamping works much the same as HTTP, only FTP has no headers--time-stamps must be received from the directory listings. For each directory files must be retrieved from, Wget will use the `LIST' command to get the listing. It will try to analyze the listing, assuming that it is a Unix `ls -l' listing, and extract the time-stamps. The rest is exactly the same as for HTTP. Assumption that every directory listing is a Unix-style listing may sound extremely constraining, but in practice it is not, as many non-Unix FTP servers use the Unixoid listing format because most (all?) of the clients understand it. Bear in mind that RFC959 defines no standard way to get a file list, let alone the time-stamps. We can only hope that a future standard will define this. Another non-standard solution includes the use of `MDTM' command that is supported by some FTP servers (including the popular `wu-ftpd'), which returns the exact time of the specified file. Wget may support this command in the future. File:, Node: Startup File, Next: Examples, Prev: Time-Stamping, Up: Top Startup File ************ Once you know how to change default settings of Wget through command line arguments, you may wish to make some of those settings permanent. You can do that in a convenient way by creating the Wget startup file--`.wgetrc'. Besides `.wgetrc' is the "main" initialization file, it is convenient to have a special facility for storing passwords. Thus Wget reads and interprets the contents of `$HOME/.netrc', if it finds it. You can find `.netrc' format in your system manuals. Wget reads `.wgetrc' upon startup, recognizing a limited set of commands. * Menu: * Wgetrc Location:: Location of various wgetrc files. * Wgetrc Syntax:: Syntax of wgetrc. * Wgetrc Commands:: List of available commands. * Sample Wgetrc:: A wgetrc example. File:, Node: Wgetrc Location, Next: Wgetrc Syntax, Prev: Startup File, Up: Startup File Wgetrc Location =============== When initializing, Wget will look for a "global" startup file, `/usr/local/etc/wgetrc' by default (or some prefix other than `/usr/local', if Wget was not installed there) and read commands from there, if it exists. Then it will look for the user's file. If the environmental variable `WGETRC' is set, Wget will try to load that file. Failing that, no further attempts will be made. If `WGETRC' is not set, Wget will try to load `$HOME/.wgetrc'. The fact that user's settings are loaded after the system-wide ones means that in case of collision user's wgetrc *overrides* the system-wide wgetrc (in `/usr/local/etc/wgetrc' by default). Fascist admins, away! File:, Node: Wgetrc Syntax, Next: Wgetrc Commands, Prev: Wgetrc Location, Up: Startup File Wgetrc Syntax ============= The syntax of a wgetrc command is simple: variable = value The "variable" will also be called "command". Valid "values" are different for different commands. The commands are case-insensitive and underscore-insensitive. Thus `DIr__PrefiX' is the same as `dirprefix'. Empty lines, lines beginning with `#' and lines containing white-space only are discarded. Commands that expect a comma-separated list will clear the list on an empty command. So, if you wish to reset the rejection list specified in global `wgetrc', you can do it with: reject =